Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Doctor Who

I am a purest, I grew up with Tom Baker as Doctor Who and for years he was The Doctor for me. Then along came David Tenant who never eclipsed Baker but quickly showed me that their might be more than one flavor of doctor that I liked. Tenant's run was nothing short of amazing and as it ended I went into the new Matt Smith run with high hopes. Matt Smith however has yet to wow me the way Baker and Tenant did. It's not that he is not good but it is that the show seems to be struggling to find itself again. The doctor for me works when he is the smartest guy in the room and shows little glimmers of this in sarcastic and funny ways while everyone around him falls apart. (kinda like Greg House in space) So here's hoping that the writers find their way and Matt Smith gets into the role or we may be watching the Doctor Who franchise dying again, and this time I think we might be out of regenerations.

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