Monday, May 9, 2011

Marvel Movies

Went and saw Thor the other night (midnight at Imax 3d) and was pleasantly surprised  how good it was. You see, you can call me a cynic but I think that comic book movies are doomed to let their core audience down. (i.e. comic fans) If the movies let themselves get too wrapped up in the milieu of the source material (i.e. Watchmen) they end up alienating John Q. Public but if they go the other way and try to make an actual blockbuster it pisses of comic fans because they aren't true to the comics. I think Thor walked this line just right (as most Marvel Comics films have with the exceptions of the last Spiderman and X-men films and the Daredevil Franchise). So for my entry I say bravo Marvel don't change the formula and until you ruin the Avengers next year I will continue to see your movies. 

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